location: ILICA 85
under reconstruction

location: RUDOLFA KOLAKA 12
new, temporary facilities

Office of International and Inter-University Cooperation

The Office of International and Inter-University Cooperation initiates and facilitates contacts with foreign higher education institutions and other related institutions with the purpose of promoting and establishing academic cooperation in the fields of art, science and culture. The Office provides professional, administrative and advisory support to Academy's students and employees in their international academic mobility activities.


Due to the heavy damage sustained during the 2020 earthquake, our facilities are currently undergoing major refurbishment and reconstruction. We have temporarily relocated four of our six departments (Painting; Sculpture; Graphic Arts; Animated Film and New Media) to the new premises (Jadran film complex) where all of the classes and administrative activities will be taking place for the time being.

Temporary location

Academy of Fine Arts
Office of International and Inter-University Cooperation
Rudolfa Kolaka 12
HR-10000 Zagreb

Postal address

Academy of Fine Arts
Office of International and Inter-University Cooperation
Ilica 85
HR-10000 Zagreb

Contact hours

Monday - Friday  |  10:00 - 12:00


Filip Matović
International Relations Coordinator
e-mail: fmatovic@alu.unizg.hr

Associate Professor Maja Rožman
Vice Dean for International and Inter-University Cooperation
e-mail: maja.rozman@alu.unizg.hr

Professor Gordana Bakić Vlahov
ECTS Coordinator
e-mail: gbakic28@gmail.com